
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Union Pacific 202 - Orange Re-Paint 14

After a few more coats, the silver finally covered it. I may do another coat.

It took a very long time to get these decals correct. Getting the font size and spacing correct for one printer does not work for another. A lot of trial and error.

Putting on the decals -
I stuck on the "PACIFIC" first and tried trimming the letter out with a razor blade. That did not work well. The letters kept coming off while I was trimming. I printed out an entire sheet of the decals. I knew this would be trial and error as well.
I still need to clean them up, but I ended up cutting the letters out with scissors first, leaving a thin line between them to keep the spacing. The decals did not stick well. I sprayed it with clear mat paint. Once I'm done, I plan on spraying the entire train with the clear mat paint to help seal and protect it. Should be able to wash the train in the future without worrying about paint coming off or chipping.

I think it is coming along nicely. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Union Pacific 202 - Orange Re-Paint 13

I know in these pictures there is very little difference, but I wanted to show the process I'm experiencing.  This silver paint goes on real thin. I've tried putting it on thick, but the paint strokes show. When I put the paint on thick it also filled in some of the detail of the plastic form. I had to sand it all off in those area and start over. This left side has 2 coats since the last picture shown. It still needs more to cover the bleed through.

Here is the right side. The paint is pretty much done. I need to look it over some more to see if I spot anything I want to add or change.

Next will be putting the "UNION PACIFIC" and "202" on the sides. Im a little nervous about messing it up. I also want to add an LED light for the headlight, but I will worry about that when I start in on the mechanics of the train.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Union Pacific 202 - Orange Re-Paint 12

I like the orange enough to move on to the silver. The silver is going on very light, it takes a lot more coats. So far Ive only done this side, the other side looks like last picture. Probably 2 more coats of silver and I will move around to the other side. It looks so much better without the black trim I tried.

Im taking my time, still trying to figure out what to put in the front for the lights.